Drama Books

When We Dead Awaken

Henrik Ibsen

From Pillars of Society to John Gabriel Borkman, Ibsen's plays had followed each other at regular intervals of two years, save when his indignation over the abuse heaped upon Ghosts reduced to a singl..

The Merry Devill of Edmonton

William Shakespeare

The Merry Devill of Edmonton is a comedy drama believed to have been written by William Shakespeare and is not attributed to the author as it is spurious and doubtful to attribute to the author...

A Family Man

John Galsworthy

The study of JOHN BUILDER in the provincial town of Breconridge. A panelled room wherein nothing is ever studied, except perhaps BUILDER'S face in the mirror over the fireplace. It is, however, comfor..


John Galsworthy

The MARCH'S dining-room opens through French windows on one of those gardens which seem infinite, till they are seen to be coterminous with the side walls of the house, and finite at the far end, beca..

The Forfeiture

Charles Rivière Dufresny

I am a little less furious with Araminte. For a few moments I thought I'd won her over. But her character is subject to change. Agitating itself with several passions at the same time, in her burning ..

The Spirit of Contradiction

Charles Rivière Dufresny

Everything I've planted is torn up. She's replanted all the weeds I tore out when I was grafting. She said they're wildflowers. Then when I planted the cabbages she said she now wants lettuces. Nothin..

The Unforseen Return

Jean François Regnard

Squire: (entering from the street) Your servant, my friend. Ah, ladies, I am delighted to see you. You are waiting for me and that's very proper. I am the very soul of your parties, I admit. The premi..

Lover's Vows

August von Kotzebue

Lovers' Vows (1798), a play by Elizabeth Inchbald arguably best known now for having been featured in Jane Austen's novel Mansfield Park (1814), is one of at least four adaptations of August von Kotze..