Etiquette Books

Child Life and Sex Hygiene - A Remarkable Message

Otterbein O. Smith

This word hygiene has its root in the word Hygeia. Hygeia was the daughter of one of the gods of the Classic Mythology, and was the goddess of health. Sex hygiene is then, sex health, or sex normality..

The Theory of Moral Sentiments

Adam Smith

Sympathy, therefore, does not arise so much from the view of the passion, as from that of the situation which excites it. We sometimes feel for another, a passion of which he himself seems to be altog..

A Vision of the Future, Based on the Application of Ethical Principles

Jane Hume Clapperton

The toil of man’s daily life alas! is indeed as the straining and jolting of a lumbering wagon,—it grovels, it wallows, it drags wearily, and the soul of the wagoner soars not. But there are few think..

Etiquette for Little Folks

Mrs. Henry S. Mackarness

Whenever dinners are given to invited guests, civility requires that an early answer should be returned; for the proper wording of such answers, I refer you to the Notes of Invitation, where full dire..