History Books

The Gift of Black Folk

W.E.B. Du Bois

This essay is an attempt to set forth more clearly than has hitherto been done the effect which the Negro has had upon American life. Its thesis is that despite slavery, war and caste, and despite our..

Personal Experiences During the Chicago Fire, 1871

Frank J. Loesch

The sidewalks, except in the South Side business district, where limestone flags predominated, were entirely of pine or hemlock planking and many of the streets were raised on wooden supports from fou..

The Vampire of the Continent

Graf E. Reventlow

Count Ernst zu Reventlow’s book “The Vampire of the Continent,” of which I have much pleasure in presenting a considerably abridged English edition to American readers, cannot be too strongly recommen..

The Red Man's Rebuke

Simon Pokagon

Out of the bark of this wonderful tree were made hats, caps, and dishes for domestic use, while our maidens tied with it the knot that sealed their marriage vow; wigwams were made of it, as well as la..

Australasia Triumphant!

A. St. John Adcock

It is too soon to attempt the telling at large and in detail of all that has been done by Australia and New Zealand in the Great War. In all which I have been little more than an enthusiastic and, I h..

Ancient history from the monuments - Greek cities & islands of Asia Minor

W. S. W. Vaux

Before we proceed to give a somewhat detailed account of the more important cities of Asia Minor, and of the islands adjacent to its west and southern shores, we may mention that Asia Minor, as it lie..

Tiberius the Tyrant

J. C. Tarver

The political genius of a nation is shown by nothing so much as the success with which it supplements the deficiencies of its formal constitution by informal but recognized agencies. Rome was provided..

The Historians' History of the World - Vol X

Henry Smith Williams

Few histories afford lessons of greater value than those of Spain and Portugal. They teem with proofs that independence and liberty are not less important to the wealth and political power of a countr..