Juvenile Fiction Books

Freaks of Fortune; or, Half Round the World

Oliver Optic

Freaks of Fortune; or, Half Round the World is a juvenile fiction novel written by William Taylor Adams, pseudonym Oliver Optic, was a noted academic, author, and a member of the Massachusetts Ho..

A Houseful of Girls

Sarah Tytler

A Houseful of Girls is a juvenile fiction story for young women written by Henrietta Keddie, a prolific Scottish novelist who wrote under the pseudonym Sarah Tytler. Her domestic realism became p..

Faith Gartney's Girlhood

Adeline Dutton Train Whitney

Faith Gartney's Girlhood is a juvenile fiction story for girls written by Adeline Dutton Train Whitney, an American poet and prolific writer, who published more than 20 books for girls. Her books..

Lovey Mary

Alice C. Hegan

Lovey Mary is a runaway children's story for girls written by Alice Hegan Rice, who is also the author of "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch"..

The Boy Aviators' Treasure Quest

Captain Wilbur Lawton

The Boy Aviators' Treasure Quest is an adventure story for boys written by John Henry Goldfrap was a North American journalist and author of boys' books, participating in the "American series phe..

Burr Junior

George Manville Fenn

Burr Junior is a juvenile fiction novel written by George Manville Fenn, a prolific English novelist, journalist, editor and educationalist. Many of his novels were written for young adults. His ..

A Little Girl in Old Detroit

Amanda M. Douglas

A Little Girl in Old Detroit is a juvenile fiction story for girls written by Amanda M. Douglas, an American writer of adult and juvenile fiction. She was probably best remembered by young r..

Girl Scouts in the Adirondacks

Lillian Elizabeth Roy

Girl Scouts in the Adirondacks is a juvenile fiction novel for young girls written by Lillian Elizabeth Roy, an American novelist. She is also the author of the polly brewster books, the little w..