Literary Books

Unfinished Rainbows, and Other Essays

George Wood Anderson

That is a sweeping promise that is literally fulfilled in nature. All clouds carry rainbows. Most of them are never seen by us because we lack the necessary keenness of vision, or the proper point of ..


Anthony Hope

It is precisely this power inherent in dialogue—the power of bringing into sharp vision the conflict of characters and points of view—which favours the increased use of it in modern novels. Serious mo..

The Hundred Cuirassiers

James Grant

In the following pages are narrated much of real life and adventure, with much that is historically true; but these passages I leave to the inquiring reader to discover or to separate. So great was th..

Illustrated history of ancient literature, oriental and classical

John D. Quackenbos

The present volume has grown out of the author’s experience in the lecture-room; and in the belief that it is of a scope and grade that will meet the popular want, he now offers it to high-schools, ac..