Nature Books

At the Deathbed of Darwinism - A Series of Papers

Eberhard Dennert

At the Deathbed of Darwinism is a classic science history text by Eberhard Dennert. The general tendency of recent scientific literature dealing with the problem of organic evolution may fairly be cha..

Langstroth on the Hive and the Honey-Bee - A Bee Keeper's Manual

L. L. Langstroth

This Treatise on the Hive and the Honey-Bee, is respectfully submitted by the Author, to the candid consideration of those who are interested in the culture of the most useful as well as wonderful Ins..

The Biography of a Grizzly

Ernest Thompson

I first read this little book when I was in the fifth grade, and now more than fifty years later, I still find it fascinating. Ernest Thompson Seton was a man with a concern for nature her creatures a..

Luck or Cunning

Samuel Butler

This book, as I have said in my concluding chapter, has turned out very different from the one I had it in my mind to write when I began it.  It arose out of a conversation with the late Mr. Alfr..

The Western World

William H. G. Kingston

The continent of America, if the stony records of the Past are read aright, claims to be the oldest instead of the newest portion of the globe. (According to some geologists, Labrador was the first pa..

Birds Every Child Should Know

Neltje Blanchan

Birds Every Child Should Know is a zoology book for children written by Neltje Blanchan, a United States scientific historian and nature writer who published several books on wildflowers and birds.Exc..

Mother West Wind's Children

Thornton W. Burgess

"You can't fool old Mother Nature. No, Sir, you can't fool old Mother Nature, and it's of no use to try." The animals of the Green Meadows and Green Forest have little adventures while Grandfather Fro..

Birds in Town & Village

W. H. Hudson

Birds in Town & Village is a book for bird lovers written by William Henry Hudson, an author, naturalist, and ornithologist. Some of his other works are The Purple Land, Idle Days In Pat..