Periodical Books

Prairie Farmer, Vol. 56 - No. 5, February 2, 1884

Various Authors

One of the greatest banes to the proper enjoyment of country life is the almost constant use of salt meats. It is ham for breakfast, salty, oh, how salty! Then for dinner it is salt pork, boiled or fr..

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 361, November 27, 1886

Various Authors

One afternoon he came into the nursery to play with the children for a few minutes. He would wind up their mechanical toys to amuse them. Reggie was unusually fretful, and nothing seemed to please him..

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 362, December 4, 1886

Various Authors

Reggie was still wrapped in a blanket on my lap, and had just fallen asleep, worn out by the violence of the remedies still more than by the attack. Dr. Myrtle whispered to me not to move, as he would..

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 363, December 11, 1886

Various Authors

Pausanias was a Greek gentleman, native of Lydia, in Asia Minor, a geographer and traveller, who visited noted sites in Greece with the express purpose of seeing and describing all that was most beaut..

Youth, Vol. I, No. 3, May 1902

H. L. Coggins

The boys had scarcely gripped each other when Lon realized that he was now no better able to cope with his rival in a wrestling bout than he was at their last encounter, months previous. The stableboy..

Report on the Migration of Birds in the Spring and Autumn of 1880

John Cordeaux

The following Report contains a Summary of the investigations of a Committee appointed by the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Swansea in 1880, an Abstract of which will be presen..

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 364, December 18, 1886

Various Authors

Our next dish is the curried rabbit. First class curry can be obtained in tins. Remember that tinned meats are like everything else in the world—some are good, and some are bad. If you wish for a bott..

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 32, Vol. I, August 9, 1884

Chambers' Journal

The sources of contaminated drinking-water are very numerous, and may affect the water at its source, in its flow, in its reservoir, or during distribution. When stored in houses, it is especially exp..