Religion Books

Speeches - Literary and Social

Charles Dickens

Speeches: Literary and Social, a work by Dickens which has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was repro..

The Pursuit of God

A.W. Tozer

The Pursuit of God is religious philosophical text by A.W. Tozer. In this hour of all-but-universal darkness one cheering gleam appears: within the fold of conservative Christianity there are to be fo..

Beyond Good and Evil

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Beyond Good and Evil (1886) is a work by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, in which he tackles similar issues from his previous book, Thus Spoke Zarathustra. If the prior work was one of philosophi..

Evelyn Innes

George Moore

The thin winter day had died early, and at four o'clock it was dark night in the long room in which Mr. Innes gave his concerts of early music. An Elizabethan virginal had come to him to be repaired, ..

John the Baptist

F. B. Meyer

John the Baptist was a Jewish itinerant preacher in the early first century AD. John is revered as a major religious figure in Christianity, Islam, the Bahá'í Faith, and Mandaeism. He is called a prop..

Love to the Uttermost

F. B. Meyer

The former book on the first twelve chapters of this sublime Gospel was called, The Life and Light of Men. The title was naturally suggested by the subject-matter of those chapters. We had little diff..

Acts of the Apostle


Acts of the Apostles, often referred to simply as Acts, or formally the Book of Acts, is the fifth book of the New Testament; it tells of the founding of the Christian church and the spread of its mes..

Days of Heaven Upon Earth

A. B. Simpson

A.B. Smith was a Canadian Evangelical who preached around the globe and wrote important words such as: " A Larger Christian Life" and "The Gospel of Healing". Days of Heaven Upon Earth provides though..