Science Books

A Preliminary Dissertation on the Mechanisms of the Heavens

Mary Somerville

Science, regarded as the pursuit of truth, which can only be attained by patient and unprejudiced investigation, wherein nothing is too great to be attempted, nothing so minute as to be justly disrega..

Determination of the Atomic Weight of Cadmium

Harry C. Jones

The agreement of the separate determinations with each other is fairly close and the average of the two series of determinations is nearly the same. Huntington took great care in the purification of h..

Gilbert Weather Bureau (Meteorology) for Boys

A. C. Gilbert

A Weather Bureau station at your home will give you a source of pleasure, fun, and insight into a science that is intensely interesting, easy to understand, fascinating and worth while knowing. The im..

The honey-bee: its nature, homes and products

William Hetherington Harris

Far back in historic time there are records that man had learnt the value of the bee. The book of Job—probably the oldest of our sacred Scriptures—contains a reference to honey. The Pentateuch, the Ch..

Apes and Monkeys: Their Life and Language

R. L. Garner

The author frankly confesses to his own belief in the psychic unity of all animate nature. Believing in a common source of life, a common law of living, and a common destiny for all creatures, he feel..

The Foot-prints of the Creator

Hugh Miller

The geological works of Hugh Miller have excited the greatest interest, not only among scientific men, but also among general readers. There is in them a freshness of conception, a power of argumentat..

The Wright Brothers

Fred C. Kelly

THE aim in this book has been to satisfy the curiosity of the average, non-technical reader regarding the work of the Wright Brothers, and to do so as simply as possible. But one name naturally and ob..

Rocks and Their Origins

Grenville A. J. Cole

The description of rocks has fallen very much into the hands of lovers of analysis and classification, and attention has been diverted, even among geologists, from their fundamental importance as part..