Social Llife & Customs Books

My Lady of the Chinese Courtyard

Elizabeth Cooper

My Lady of the Chinese Courtyard is a book on China's social life and customs written by Elizabeth Cooper.Author's Note:In these letters I have drawn quite freely and sometimes literally from the exce..


Alfred Henry Lewis

Wolfville is a collection of humorous western stories about cowboys written by Alfred Henry Lewis, an American investigative journalist, lawyer, novelist, editor, and short story writer, who some..

Customs and Fashions in Old New England

Alice Morse Earle

Alice Morse Earle was an American historian and author from Worcester, Massachusetts. She was christened Mary Alice by her parents Edwin Morse and Abby Mason Clary...

The Perils of Certain English Prisoners

Charles Dickens

The Perils of Certain English Prisoners is a short fiction work by Charles Dickens, a Victorian novelist known for his masterpieces A Tale of Two Cities, and Oliver Twist.Excerpts:My lady remarks..

Love affairs of the Courts of Europe

Thornton Hall

Love affairs of the Courts of Europe is a book on aristocratic marriages and separation written by Thornton Hall. the author of "Love romancies of the Aristocracy", "Love intrigues of Royal Court..

Hell Fer Sartain

Jr. John Fox

Hell Fer Sartain is a collection of short stories based on the mountaineers life written by John Fox Jr., an American journalist, novelist, and short story writer. The stories are below:On Hell-F..

The Pool in the Desert

Sara Jeannette Duncan

The Pool in the Desert is a fiction of British india written by Canadian journalist Sara Jeannette Duncan who used Mrs. Everard Cotes as her pen name.Excerpts:There were times when we had to go withou..


Maksim Gorky

Mother is a novel written by Maxim Gorky in 1906 about revolutionary factory workers. It was first published, in English, in Appleton's Magazine in 1906, then in Russian in 1907. The work was translat..