Space Opera Books

In the Earth's Shadow

John L. Chapman

Siegal turned, astounded. The red-headed youngster stood there, a look of bewilderment on his face. Then Ferris leaped, caught Siegal about the hips and sent him sprawling over the station floor. But ..

Eyes That Watch

Raymond Z. Gallun

Sam wondered wistfully if sometime soon his power would enable him to preserve in timeless youth the fragile beauty of Ellen Varney. Dark wavy hair, and an earnest face whose wisdom one could never fo..

Lunar Station

Harl Vincent

Bonwitt couldn't connect the moon's eccentric behavior with Peterson's. But something was up. If personal, okay; if against Atomic Power, something else again. Looking out first over the moon's broken..

The Way Back

Sam Moskowitz

Self-consciously he ambled along the spotless streets behind Persum—streets which seemed to be paved with pure gold. He tried not to notice the open stares given him by the city's inhabitants. He real..

Message from Venus

R. R. Winterbotham

Captain Bonnet's men had been in a more or less exposed position during the first part of the battle and their casualties had been heavy while they tried to prevent The Piece of Sky's destruction. But..

Healing Rays in Space

J. Harvey Haggard

Rufus glanced at the muzzle of the electronic gun, flushed and backed away. The girl, already panting with the exhaustion brought on by excitement and the scant action, let the weapon fall back into h..

The Planet of Illusion

Donald A. Wollheim

Broster shook his head. "There cannot be a question of letting unknown intelligences enter this craft or hold it. We can't afford to take chances, even if the notion that other world dwellers are nece..

Lie on the Beam

John Victor Peterson

The fog certainly was settling in on Pali-Vanyi port! Usually the Hump, the five thousand foot mountain range which runs along the east of the field, breaks the storm winds which blow in intermittentl..