Time Travel Books

Danger in the Void

Charles E. Fritch

She studied him for a moment. He had a rather common face, one with no particularly outstanding features, a face that would be difficult to remember, she thought. He wore a plain business suit, with a..

Tales of the Unexpected

H. G. Wells

A collection of paranormal fiction stories by science fiction novelist HG Wells comprising the stories including The remarkable case of Davidson's eyes, The moth, The story of the late Mr Elvesham, Un..

Three Spacemen Left to Die!

Russ Winterbotham

Al flipped the cylinder closed and made sure the gun was ready to use. "We went to another system," he said. "A fluke, maybe. Or maybe the Old Man planned it. He believed in interstellar travel by dim..

Wanted - One Sane Man

Frank M. Robinson

The center of the whirlpool was the glassed-in office, with the name WHITEFORD on the door—nothing else. Whiteford himself, neatly dressed in a business suit with creases sharp enough to shave with, w..

The Cosmic Snare

Stephen Marlowe

Linda was in the galley, whipping up a quick meal. Aside from its complete necessity in making the switch-over from normal space to sub-space and back again, that was one of the functions of the trans..

Stop, You're Killing Me!

Stephen Marlowe

The situation in this case was worse. The situation in this case was strictly a family affair. All the attempts at my life had been made at home, either by my wife Sue or our boy Sam. Sounds nuts, bec..


David Mason

Corrigan had always enjoyed conducting guided tours, and he was enjoying this one especially well. He had a slightly wicked taste for complicated teasing, and Lenner was a perfect object. He had evide..

The Futile Flight of John Arthur Benn

Richard Wilson

John Arthur Benn blacked out somewhere in the limbo of the pre-Christian era, as he'd been warned he might, and when he came to he found himself lying in a rather uncomfortable heap with his head in a..