Zoology Books

Migration of Birds (1979)

Frederick C. Lincoln

The changing picture of bird populations throughout the year intrigues those who are observant and who wish to know the source and destination of these birds. Birds are the most mobile creatures on Ea..

The Migration of North American Birds (1935)

Frederick C. Lincoln

For half a century the Biological Survey has been collecting data on the interesting and important phenomenon of the migration of North American birds. The field men of the Bureau have gathered inform..

Report on the Migration of Birds in the Spring and Autumn of 1880

John Cordeaux

The following Report contains a Summary of the investigations of a Committee appointed by the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Swansea in 1880, an Abstract of which will be presen..

An Introduction to the Birds of Pennsylvania

George Miksch Sutton

I have written this book for those who are beginning a study of birds in Pennsylvania; or for those who, after some study in a certain region, wish to know more about the birds in other sections of th..

Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America

John Cassin

The natural history of North America has been regarded with especial interest wherever the sciences have been cultivated since the discovery of the continent. Our advantages for study have been m..

Winter Butterflies in Bolinas

Mary D. Barber

The Monarch Butterfly Anosia Plexippus is a familiar object in many parts of the United States, but the fact that it migrates, covering in its flights hundreds and even thousands of miles, is not gene..

Stray Feathers From a Bird Man's Desk

Austin Loomer Rand

This collection of articles, if it were a painting, could be called a conversation piece. Or it might be compared to a well-filled whatnot. Each of the sixty chapters is an independent unit, illustrat..

The Ivory King

Charles Frederick Holder

In the present volume, I have endeavored to present as much of the history of the elephant as is compatible with popular interest, treating the animal in all its relations to man, and the economic que..