Anonymous Books

Eighteenth Century Poetry and Prose Collection


A collection of 48 prose and poetry selections written principally in the 18th Century. These works of world literature are written in the English language or are in English translation...

Baby Chatterbox


Baby Chatterbox is an illustreated collection of poems and short stories for children written by anonymous authors.Hop, hop, hop! In it came at the window, the dearest little yellow canary, not a..

Anecdotes of Animals


Anecdotes of Animals is a children's book about animals written by Anonymous authors.An abbot, a man of wit, and skilled in the making of new musical instruments, was ordered by Louis XI., king o..

The American Housewife


The American Housewife is cooking book containing the most valuable and original receipts in all the various branches of cookery; and written in a minute and methodical manner.The writer does not deem..

La dernière lettre écrite par des soldats français tombés au champ d'honneur 1914-1918


La dernière lettre écrite par des soldats français tombés au champ d'honneur 1914-1918, a personal memoir by anonymous author...

An Expository Outline of the "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation"


An Expository Outline of the Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation with a comprehensive and critical analysis of the arguments by which the extraordinary hypotheses of the author are supported a..

The Ancient Banner


The Ancient Banner Or, Brief Sketches of Persons and Scenes in the Early History of Friends is a Christian poem written by Anonymous authors...

The Hunted Outlaw


The Hunted Outlaw Donald Morrison, The Canadian Rob Roy is a crime fiction story written by anonymous author.Excerpts:Psychology strips the soul and, having laid it bare, confidently classifies every ..