Aquaculture Books

Amateur Fish Culture

Charles Edward Walker

Amateur Fish Culture is a book on fish culture written by Charles Edward Walker, the author Of Old Flies In New Dresses Shooting On A Small Income, EtcAuthor's Preface:My aim, in this little book..

The Compleat Angler

Izaak Walton

The Compleat Angler is a book on Aquaculture and this work eventually became the masterpiece of the author Izaak Walton, an English writer who wrote many short biographies under the title "&..

A Concise Practical Treatise on Artificial Fly Fishing for Trout

Grey Drake

 I have no other ambition than that of initiating the tyro in the “gentle” and elegant art, with as little trouble and expense to him as may be. If he will do me the honour to become my disciple,..

Angling Improved

Robert Venables

Angling, therefore, may be distinguished either into fishing by day, or, which some commend, but the cold and dews caused me to dis-relish that which impaired my health, by night; and these again are ..

The Glamour of the Arctic

Arthur Conan Doyle

The trade which these men follow is old and honorable. There was a time when the Greenland seas were harried by the ships of many nations, when the Basques and the Biscayens were the great fishers of ..