Children's Books

Charlie and His Puppy Bingo

Helen Hill

The authors have made every effort to write these little stories in language that will be intelligible to very little children. They have observed that it is much easier to hold a small child’s attent..

Our Little Tot’s Own Book


Two little girls went shopping with their mamma. While she was at the end of the store, Julie, the youngest, ran to the door. Her mother was too busy to notice her, but Julie’s sister Mattie was watch..

The Story of a Needle

A. L. O. E. (A Lady of England)

Our education being now finished, two hundred and fifty of us were packed up together, and remained in darkness and seclusion for some time. We were then removed, separated, and in smaller numbers pla..

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 363, December 11, 1886

Various Authors

Pausanias was a Greek gentleman, native of Lydia, in Asia Minor, a geographer and traveller, who visited noted sites in Greece with the express purpose of seeing and describing all that was most beaut..

Youth, Vol. I, No. 3, May 1902

H. L. Coggins

The boys had scarcely gripped each other when Lon realized that he was now no better able to cope with his rival in a wrestling bout than he was at their last encounter, months previous. The stableboy..

The Adventures of Peterkin

Gilbert W. Gabriel

He pulled his little ladder out from under a tumble of pots and pans and bric-a-brac and blankets, and set it up against the wall. Then up he clambered, step by step, until he had poked his head throu..

A Gallery of Children

A. A. Milne

A collection of short stories written by Mine.A voyage to IndiaBarbara's birthdayCastles by the sea.Miss Waterlow in bedPoor AnneSand babiesSparrow Tree SquareThe baby showThe Magic HillThe three daug..

Little Miss Dorothy

Martha James

Dorothy May was a dear little girl, whose soft eyes met yours with a twinkle in their brown depths. She was very fond of Cousin Ray, a bright-haired boy all curves and dimples, who lived quite near an..