Children's Books

All the World Over: Interesting Stories of Travel, Thrilling Adventure and Home

Ella Farman

Most of the peasant girls in the vicinity of Spanish cities contrive to keep a bit of flower-garden for their own personal purposes. She is a thriftless lass indeed, who has not at least one fragrant ..

The Play-day Book: New Stories for Little Folks

Fanny Fern

Two wise men of Gotham went to sea in a bowl; if the bowl had been stronger, my tale would have been longer.’ Then the minister laughed and asked me if I believed that; then I said ‘Yes, it is printed..

In the Nursery: Happy Hours for the Little Ones


The birds in the grove know lit-tle farm-house Kate. The fish-es in the brook know lit-tle farm-house Kate. She is the girl that walks a-bout with her a-pron full of nice crumbs. The first morn-i..