Elisabeth Sanxay Holding Books

Out of the Woods

Elisabeth Sanxay Holding

When Ethel Taylor came home, at nineteen, her grandmother seemed like a little ghost from the past, utterly unconnected with her present life. She still went to visit the old lady, and sat in the fami..

Dogs Always Know

Elisabeth Sanxay Holding

There was a steep hill before them, and they went at it with that feeling of pleasant excitement one has about new hills; they wanted to get to the top and see what was on the other side. And very lik..

That's Not Love

Elisabeth Sanxay Holding

Miss Moriarty went on eating with an excellent appetite. She was never talkative. She was quiet, but with a quiet which Serena did not find restful or soothing. She was a tall girl, thin and supple, w..

The Worst Joke in the World

Elisabeth Sanxay Holding

Mrs. Champney had arranged matters so as to reach the house just at dinner time. She even hoped that she might be a little late, so that there wouldn’t be any time at all to sit down and talk. She had..

Blotted Out

Elisabeth Sanxay Holding

Ross hung up his wet overcoat and cap, and sat down with a magazine, to read. But he could not read a word. The engines had stopped; they had arrived; he was in New York. In New York. Try as he would ..

The Thing Beyond Reason

Elisabeth Sanxay Holding

Mrs. Enderby had advertised for a secretary, and Lexy had answered the advertisement. Mrs. Enderby had wanted personal references, and Lexy had supplied them, some five or six, of the highest quality...