Floral Illustrations of the Seasons

by Margaret Roscoe

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Copyright Status: Manuscript of this book is available in public domain and copyright already expired.

In the arrangement of this Work, the Author has aimed at some degree of novelty in the design, as well as of utility in the information. To her own sex, to whose particular notice she offers it, she trusts it may prove a useful and correct guide to their tastes, both in their selection for a flower garden, and as objects for their pencil. She has chosen those plants most remarkable for their beauty, and general adaptation to our borders—and, in order to render the Work more complete, she has added to every genus those species most desirable for cultivation.

The Author cannot conclude, without expressing her obligations for the assistance afforded her by her friend Mr. Shepherd, Curator of the Botanic Garden, Liverpool; and her thanks are particularly due to his able and intelligent coadjutor, Mr. Henry Shepherd, F.L.S.