Herbert Leonard Coggins Books

Young Folks Magazine, Vol. I, No. 1, March 1902

Herbert Leonard Coggins

The colonel beckoned him nearer and whispered an inaudible order in the man’s ear. There was no change of expression upon the servant’s countenance, and the command might have been welcome or distaste..

Young Folks Magazine, Vol. I, No. 2, April 1902

Herbert Leonard Coggins

Every little noise startled him. If Molly stepped upon a crackling branch, he threw a startled look from left to right, fearing that some enemy lurked in the thickets which bordered the road. It would..

Youth, Vol. I, No. 7, September 1902

Herbert Leonard Coggins

In the year 1684, after a stay of twenty-one months, Penn was forced to return to England to protect his proprietary interests, as they were at that time threatened by the plans of Lord Baltimore. In ..