History Books

Een jaar in de Molukken

H. R. Roelfsema

Een jaar in de Molukken is the Indonesian travel book written by H. R. Roelfsema. The purpose of my trip was, briefly, to investigate the suitability of already applied concession sites on H..

Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 21 - March/April 1662-63

Samuel Pepys

 Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 21: March/April 1662-63 written by himself...

The Religion of the Ancient Celts

J. A. MacCulloch

The Religion of the Ancient Celts is a celtic mythology book written by John Arnott MacCulloch, who is best known as one of Scotland's pre-eminent scholars on Celtic Religion and Mythology...

The Last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa Volume I

David Livingstone

In the midst of the universal sorrow caused by the intelligence that Dr. Livingstone had lost his life at the furthest point to which he had penetrated in his search for the true sources of the Nile, ..

The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 2

Henry Baerlein

The Birth of Yugoslavia written by Henry Baerlein was published in two volumes and this edition is second volume...

De Decamerone van Boccaccio

Giovanni Boccaccio

Giovanni Boccaccio was an Italian writer, poet, correspondent of Petrarch, and an important Renaissance humanist. Boccaccio wrote a number of notable works, including The Decameron and On Famous Women..

Segunda parte de la crónica del Perú, que trata del señorio de los Incas

Pedro de Cieza de León

Segunda parte de la crónica del Perú, que trata del señorio de los Incas Yupanquis y de sus grandes hechos y gobernacion...

Der abenteuerliche Simplicissimus

Hans Jakob Christoffel

Der abenteuerliche Simplicissimus erschien 1669 in zweiter Auflage, die erste ging verloren. Der Volksverband der Bücherfreunde bringt durch seine Neuausgabe, die 1919 veranstaltet wurde, in Erinnerun..