Molly Elliot Seawell Books

The Last Duchess of Belgarde

Molly Elliot Seawell

The duke divided the empire of Trimousette’s soul with her brother, Count Victor of Floramour, who was an edition in small of the Duke of Belgarde, whom he ardently admired and earnestly copied, espec..

The History of the Lady Betty Stair

Molly Elliot Seawell

Lady Betty, with the eye of an eaglet in her own mountains, recognized both men by the light of the flaring flambeaux carried by the running footmen,—Bastien with a thrill of hatred, fear, and disgust..

A Strange, Sad Comedy

Molly Elliot Seawell

By this time the wagons had been loaded up and were being driven off. The scared negroes that had flocked about the house from all over the plantation were peering, with ashy faces, around the corners..