Non-fiction Books

Mind and Hand: Manual Training the Chief Factor in Education

Charles H. Ham

In tracing the course of invention and discovery, I found that I was moving in the line of the progress of civilization. I found that the great gulf between the savage and the civilized man is spanned..

Early Greek philosophy

John Burnet

We have records of great activity in the production of cosmogonies during the whole of the sixth century B.C., and we know something of the systems of Epimenides, Pherekydes, and Akousilaos. As there ..

Sidelights on Negro Soldiers

Charles H. Williams

It gives me great pleasure to write a word of introduction to this interesting and important book that Mr. Williams has written. The story of the Negro soldier is one of the romances of American histo..

The Early Christians in Rome

H. D. M. Spence-Jones

Of the five Books which make up this work, the First Book relates generally the history of the fortunes of the Church in Rome in the first days.The First Book relates how, after the great fire of Rome..

The North Americans of Antiquity

John T. Short

The growing interest in the origin, migrations and life of the races of American Antiquity has led me to believe that the subjects considered in these pages would meet with the favorable attention of ..

History of Iridotomy

S. Lewis Ziegler

It is difficult for us to appreciate the conditions which brought about so large a percentage of cases of pupillary occlusion. Crude surgical procedures, poor operative technic and the utter lack of a..

Corea: The Hermit Nation

William Elliot Griffis

My purpose in this work is to give an outline of the history of the Land of Morning Calm—as the natives call their country—from before the Christian era to the present year. As “an honest tale speeds ..

A Child's History of the World

In common with all children of my age, I was brought up on American History and given no other history but American, year in and year out, year after year for eight or more years.As young as nine year..