Non-fiction Books

Reflections on the Music Life in the United States

Roger Sessions

This book deals with that development, with the questions it raises and the problems it involves. Above all, this development is interesting from the point of view of the subject itself—American music..

A Selection of Cases on the Law of Torts

James Barr Ames

They are mere matters of pedagogical expediency. He should bear in mind that the law is a unit and should be on his guard against thinking of it as made up of separate water-tight compartments. Genera..

A Secret Service: Being Strange Tales of a Nihilist

William Le Queux

Revolutionists are the creation of circumstances, of the general discontent of the people, of the striving of Russia after a new social framework. Discontent only grows the more when it is repressed. ..

The American Navy

French E. Chadwick

When Great Britain attempted to reduce to obedience the rebellious colonies which were to form the United States of America she was dealing with a people who in the North at least had long been conver..

The Hobo: The Sociology of the Homeless Man

Nels Anderson

The present volume is intended to be the first of a series of studies of the urban community and of city life. It is assumed that the study here made of the “Hobohemia” of Chicago, as well as the..

The Sixth Marine Division

James R. Stockman

When the Sixth Marine Division began its training program for its first—and only—operation, it had several initial advantages: Over two thirds of its officers and men were veterans, well schooled in t..

What Price Peace

Frederick J. Libby

Militarist and narrow nationalist groups in every country flood the press with propaganda breathing fear or hate. A new race in armaments has started. Our Monroe Doctrine, in view of the growing impor..

Charles Robert Maturin - His Life and Works

Niilo Idman

In the history of literature change means liberation. The intellectual aspect of a period having worn itself out, the forms which have supported it are felt to be a clog and a burden; and when these f..