Octave Feuillet Books

Honor de artista

Octave Feuillet

One of the noblest names of the old France, the Odón de Pierrepont, was taken, and well taken, around 1875, by the Marquis Pedro Armando, who was then thirty years old, and was the last male descendan..

Le roman d'un jeune homme pauvre (Play)

Octave Feuillet

Le roman d'un jeune homme pauvre is a French drama writen by Octave Feuillet, a French novelist and dramatist...

La petite comtesse

Octave Feuillet

La petite comtesse is a French fiction work by Octave Feuillet,  a French novelist and dramatist. ..

Julia de Trécoeur

Octave Feuillet

Julia de Trécoeur is a French fiction work by Octave Feuillet, a French novelist and dramatist. ..

Le roman d'un jeune homme pauvre (Novel)

Octave Feuillet

Le roman d'un jeune homme pauvre s a French fiction novel for young men written by Octave Feuillet was a French novelist and dramatist. ..

La petite comtesse

Octave Feuillet

La petite comtesse is a French fiction work by Octave Feuillet, a French novelist and dramatist. ..