Sunset's Cabin Plan Book

by Ralph P. Dillon

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Copyright Status: Manuscript of this book is available in public domain and copyright already expired.

The collection of cabin plans in this book is representative of what we believe to be the best in Western vacation-home designing. The floor plans embody features that may be shifted from one to another, since these are not necessarily working plans, but suggestions around which you and your architect or contractor-builder can create a cabin to fill your own needs. The same holds true of the cabin sketches themselves. You need not sheathe your cabin in bevel siding just because it’s that way in the picture. The same plan can be used for a shingle house or one of board and batten.

No attempt has been made to set down detailed instructions for building any particular cabin, since no two are exactly alike, but we have tried to present the information needed by an amateur who wants to build his own place or oversee the work of a crew of country laborers. In addition to the cabin plans and visualizations there are numerous pages of cabin lore gathered from many sources as well as from the practical experiences of the Sunset Staff.