The Birds of Australia, Vol. 1 of 7

by John Gould

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At the commencement of the work it was not expected that it would prove so extensive as it has become, since not more than about 300 species were then known, which number has now been increased, by the united efforts of myself and those who have so kindly aided my views, to upwards of 600 species, among which are comprised many forms remarkable for their novelty, the anomalous character of their structure, and the singularity of their habits, such as the Bower Birds (Ptilonorhynchi and Chlamyderæ) and the Mound-raising Birds (Talegalla, Leipoa and ixMegapodius). The singular runs or bowers of the Chlamyderæ were considered by some explorers to be the cradles of the infants of the aborigines, and the mounds of the Megapodius to be tumuli, errors which have been rectified in the present work.